Eden + Me
Eating for Eden
017 | Efficiency: How Effective Is Your "Middle Cow"?

017 | Efficiency: How Effective Is Your "Middle Cow"?

Calories in . . .  calories out . . . how efficient are the processes of raising animals for meat consumption? Listen in.

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When it comes to doing something about climate change, your food choices matter.

Thanks for tuning in to Eating for Eden, a podcast that takes a food-first approach to climate action. 

We’ve been given a beautiful garden to steward. It may seem like a small thing, but the food we eat plays a massive role in either contributing to or lessening carbon emissions. 

I’m here to help you decide with intention what you’re putting on your plate and into your mouth (and thoroughly enjoy your food along the way).

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Your impact goes further when you share what you’ve learned!

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Resources and Works Cited

Hannah Ritchie, Not the End of the World (Little, Brown Spark, 2024), 158–161.

“Meat supply vs. GDP per capita, 2021,” Our World in Data: https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/meat-consumption-vs-gdp-per-capita.

Rancho Gordo Heirloom Beans: https://www.ranchogordo.com/ (no affiliation at time of recording).

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